Ciné Tapis Rouge turns 12!

Ciné Tapis Rouge turns 12!

This month, Ciné Tapis Rouge is celebrating its 12th birthday!

We are proud to have, at this date, created associations with 20 partner countries, to have circulated thousands of films, to have convinced not only foreign festivals to dedicate part of their programming to our national cinema, but also embassies, consulates, movie theater and cinematheques to include Quebec films in their festivities during the month of La Francophonie. All this by also allowing many Quebec films to reach the Asian market more easily!

We send our sincerest thanks to all our partner countries and a very special THANK YOU to some long-time collaborators without whom we could never have achieved our goals: Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Anne-Marie Chagnon, Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices du Québec (ARRQ), INIS, Cinéma Beaubien, Cinéma du Parc, BCGO.